Hinterland Registration

07/13/2016 10:00 AM - 09/20/2016 PT


Open to Grades 9 - 12

Please review the rehearsal schedule before committing to the production.

A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required to hold your spot in the show. This deposit goes toward Total Tuition of $250 to be paid in full by the start of rehearsals. Once registration is filled, a deposit is not required to be on the waitlist.

Important Registration Note & Disclaimer - PLEASE READ
There are three ways to register for shows - Online, by phone, and in person at our offices. As such, it is possible that a production may become overbooked and a registration will have to be refunded, and that student placed on the wait list. If this happens, we will contact you as soon as possible, usually within one hour.